A sixteen year history…
The Urology Trade Association was set up in 2007 with the overriding aim to protect and promote the Drug Tariff as the preferred mechanism to support research, innovation and development in the urology industry. The UTA was immensely successful in its campaign, and has since grown to actively pursue other related areas of interest and concern to the industry.
The urology industry is one of the largest health product suppliers to patients, via the NHS. Demand for urological products is expected to rise over the next decade, in part because of the UK’s ageing population, and the bladder and bowel complications which may develop as people get older.
What do we do?
The UTA meets and engages with partners from across the NHS to highlight the major opportunities to be found in the urological sector. By improving patient choice, and increasing education amongst patients and the public about bladder and bowel issues, as well as how to use urological devices, the NHS has the potential to save money by reducing UTI-related hospital admissions. The NHS currently spends more than £500 million a year treating UTIs, and other preventable tract infections.
Whitehouse Communications acts as Secretariat for, and provides public affairs to, the Urology Trade Association.